Equestrian Trails, Inc.

How to Conduct a Meeting


Two weeks before your meeting send out a notice requesting any items that your members would like placed on the agenda. Type up the agenda and have a copy at the meeting for each member that attends. It is also good, if not monthly, then quarterly, (depending on your corral…biannually but at least annually) to provide a printed treasurers report for each member to review.

Follow the agenda as closely as possible. Try to limit your meetings to two hours. Guest speakers are always an interesting draw to encourage members to attend.

Call the meeting to order stating time

Determine if a quorum is present (a quorum is 2/3 of your board members (or the number of board members based on each Corral bylaws)

If a quorum is not present notify those in attendance that there can be no voting unless the required number of persons arrive later. Motions can be made but voting will have to be done at the next meeting.*

The Pledge of Allegiance

Introduction of Guests

Reading of the minutes of the last meeting – Request corrections/additions and motion to accept the minutes presented/corrected.

Treasurer’s Report – After any discussion / corrections – request a motion to accept the minutes as presented / corrected.

Announcements and Correspondence

Committee Reports

Old Business

New Business


Announce the date, time and location of the next meeting.

Motion to adjourn

Adjourn meeting (state time)

*Making a motion – If there is some discussion that would change any bylaws, rules, etc, ask if there is a motion for the action. If so ask if there is a second. If so ask if there is any further discussion. Then call for the vote (all in favor say aye, all against say nay). Ask if there are any abstentions. If so they are to be recorded in the minutes.

“Roberts Rule of Order” is the standard for conducting a meeting. You can look it up online, check out a book from the library or sometimes find a used one at a thrift shop.