Equestrian Trails, Inc.
Dedicated to Equine Legislation, Good Horsemanship, and the Acquisition and Preservation of Trails, Open Space and Public LandsESTABLISHED 1944
The ETI National Horse Show and Convention is scheduled for July 29 – 31, 2022 at the LA Equestrian Center. READ MORE…
Death Valley
Unfortunately, this year’s ride has been cancelled. Each November, ETI hosts its Death Valley Ride, a journey through the unique majesty in and around this national landmark. To discover some of the history of this region, and to find out how you can be part of this memorable event, READ MORE…
ETI National Awards
ETI expresses their thanks for those who have helped above and beyond the call of duty, with an awards banquet and recognition of nominated Volunteers of the Year, as well as the ETI Sponsor of the Year! Join us as we celebrate the contributions Keith Hilliard (Area 3), Terry Kaiser (Area 7) and Rich Gomez (Are 12) have made to their communities. We also salute Scott & Liz Wahlberg of Canyon Feed & Tack for their dedicated support of ETI National and its activities. READ MORE…
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ETI National Magazine
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You may print a copy of the current ETI magazine here.