Equestrian Trails, Inc.
Junior Ambassadors
The Junior Ambassador Program has been in existence since 1955. Originally created for young ladies, in 1995, boys were extended the opportunity to participate in the program as well.
The program has helped girls and boys to grow into articulate and confident young people through their participation in the Ambassador Program.
The Junior Ambassador program is open to all ETI members ages 5-21. The program allows young men and women to learn responsibility and communication between people and their community.
Areas of competition for a Junior Ambassador include: horsemanship test (in their discipline), a written test, poise and personality.
The newly selected ambassadors and their court will be expected, as part of their duties, to represent ETI at official functions and events such as dinners, meetings, parades, trail trials, shows, etc. These functions will be selected and approved by the Junior Ambassador Chairperson.
2022-2023 Jr. Miss Paulina Banaitis, Queen Annie Ahten and Little Miss Amelia McElvany
2022-23 Jr. Ambassadors at Rancho Oso. (Left to Right) Sharyn Henry, Vandana Bhayani, Kenney Helman, Piper Morris, Paulina Banaitis, Quincy Taylor, Ava Fabros, Amelia McElvany, Diana Banaitis, Anne Ahten, Aalia Blunt, Delany Blazedale.
Jr. Ambassadors serving at the ETI Annual Luncheon (left to right) Little Miss Princess Emily Paris, Little Miss Princess Diana Banaitis, Queen Anne Ahten, Little Miss Amelia McElvany, Jr. Miss Princess Ava Fabros, Jr. Miss Paulina Banaitis.